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There is no denying that there is an undying love for heels across the globe. You can guarantee that heels are one type of shoe you will not miss in a lady’s closet—and petite girls are likely to have a couple more than the rest. While the beauty of heels is that they make you look taller and sexy, not every woman fancies the idea of walking in heels every day just to appear tall and sexy.

Besides, there are serious health concerns that make a very strong case against walking in heels. But the good news is that there are a number of ways that you can appear taller without necessarily having to put your heels on. If you desire to look taller but don’t like using heels to create the illusion, then here are a few fashion hacks that you can use at any time of the day or night to add some height.


Go for vertical striped bottoms

Vertical striped bottoms are becoming a sensation these days, and more and more women are using them for all manner of fashion goals. All you have to do is go to Amazon and big brand ecommerce stores, such as Myntra, Jabong, and Flipkart; or, just visit Stylecaret—which is one of the fastest growing startups in India—and browse their catalog. You will be surprised at just the number of vertical striped trousers you will find in stock. The beauty of these trousers is that they are versatile and can be worn with a wide variety of tops.

For those wanting to add more height, you will never go wrong by putting on a trouser with long lines. These vertical lines create an illusion of added length, which will then make you appear taller than you really are. You must not use trousers with horizontal stripes because they will do the exact opposite—creating the illusion that you have more width and taking away some height.


Go for monochrome attires


Monochrome attires are simply one-colored or same-colored outfits. When you have an attire of the same color from head to toe, it will create an illusion of you being taller than you actually are; and, in addition to that, it will also make you look leaner. A monochrome outfit makes it difficult for people to distinguish the border between the upper and the lower body, so you will automatically look taller. It is also worth pointing out that such an outfit can be used to create various styles and looks, especially when contrasted with a top or a jacket of a different color.





Avoid baggy outfits

Baggy outfits are sometimes alluring, and avoiding them may be a problem for many people. However, if you desire to create the illusion of height without having to put on heels, then you have every reason to do away with baggy outfits. Although these outfits may be very comfortable, they will create the impression of you being shorter and wider.

As an alternative, you should always consider going for outfits that are fitted or tailored to make you look as if you have an extra inch to your height. You should also not forget to pay attention to the details because they usually make a big difference. If you have a petite frame, for example, don’t waste your time going for attires with lots of embroidery, heavy fabrics, etc. They will swallow your petite frame and give you a look you hadn’t hoped for.




Consider what you wear on your feet

The kind of footwear you choose for your dress may also affect the appearance of your height. The rule of thumb is that if you are going for a short dress, then the best choice for shoes should be those with flat soles with strappy sandals. For this dress choice, you can also always go for boots that reach the knee region to help create an illusion of you being taller than you actually are.








Always go for small bags

Believe it or not, your choice of bag may also make you look taller or shorter. If you are trying to avoid heels yet have some height, then you have to be very careful with the kinds of bags you choose. To create such illusions, you should always go for small and medium-sized bags instead of opting for the huge bags. The reasoning behind this is simply because big bags will do nothing but add more width to your overall look; and, as usual, this will make you appear shorter. Therefore, go for the small bags, preferably ones that have relatively longer straps—almost proportionate to your height.


Let your hair add more height

You can also use your hair in a nice way to give an illusion of more height. The easiest and perhaps the simplest way to do this is to hold your hair and make a knot at the top of your head. The beauty of this is that, in addition to adding an inch or two to your height, it will also give you a break from your regular hairstyle. If you don’t like the idea of going for the bun, you can simply create a puff and leave the rest of the hair untouched.





Always have the correct posture

Other than using your attire, shoes, and hair, you can always take advantage of your posture to create illusions of height. A correct posture will always do wonders when it comes to making you look shorter or taller. If you want to appear taller by using your posture only and without using any heels, all you have to do is walk, stand, and sit with an upright posture. Your shoulder, chin, and back should be straight at all times, and they must never appear as if you are slouching in any way.


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