Q:  Dear Annalise, So I just got asked out on my first date and we are going to the movies, but I have no idea what to wear. Please help!

A: Not to worry, good friend, that is a struggle many of us fight– the ominous what to wear. For starters, brava on the venue.  Movies are what I believe to be the best first date outing because if it gets awkward, just watch the movie, plus it gives you something to talk about afterwards if you’ve tried all the first date chat. I generally suggest a tank top paired with cute dark-wash or dark-colored jeans or shorts.

The reasoning behind it:  you’re dressed up without being too dressy.  It’s awkward if you’re in a cute dress and he’s in shorts and a “just do it” t-shirt. Also bring along a sweater because it’s often a bit cold in the theater and you don’t wanna bank on your prince charming bringing a hoodie. Stick to dark colors if you can because if you have my luck, something will end up spilled on your lap by the end of the night. Go light on the make-up– stick to Chapstick (colored or not) because if you are lucky to earn yourself a goodnight kiss, lip gloss is not what you want to be wearing, believe me. Lastly, the best thing you can wear is a smile, because I promise you it is what will pull your entire outfit and night together.

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