These 100-word stories from June's challenge were selected as Honorable Mentions.
Those who complete this challenge are now encouraged to share their stories in the comments
section of the "June Writing Challenge."


Jayvee De Castro

In Theaters This Coming…

Fluid movements, the right speech, the delivery, the angles brought about by the camera. Film. There’s just something immaculate about a good movie; that feeling of wonder, your senses tingle at the sight of an actor moving as if they capture a moment truly human, even if it is, in fact, something made up. Curiosity is fed, emotions are high. Yet there is a fear in me that one day it’ll all be gone. That the essence would shatter and that I, sitting in the corner of the theatre, would admire the craft of these forgotten artists on my own.





Sara Antunovic

The Beauty of the Sound

It’s late and I’m lying awake in my room, lost in thoughts. I feel such guilt for not defending the boy in my class everyone made fun of. Why am I so goddamn shy?

I give up sleep and decide to play my piano. My fingers come alive and start tracing the keys with force. As I play a softer tune, tears begin to fall down my cheeks, and I realize it’s the beauty of the sound that is causing them. It hits me that I, Kim Anderson, am letting my feelings out through music. I am playing with passion.





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