Gazing at the sea waves,
Watching them scuffle through their ups and downs,
Takes me back to the time,
When I toiled,
Harder and harder each day,
To survive your demonic side.
But today,
I’ve finally reached an end,
An end to all those little devils fleeting around.
I’ve let you go,
Let go of all those nefarious things.
The spark inside me has finally thrown away all the negativity,
Like the waves take away the sand beneath my feet.
And now, I’m standing here,
With serenity calming down my soul, capturing it with ecstasy,
In front of the tranquil summer sea.
And it seems like we both have finally won our battles.





nandini-guptaNandini Gupta is a high school student living in Punjab, India. She is an amateur writer and a bibliophile. Kind of reserved in nature, she dreams of making it large in life, wants to travel the world, and is an aspiring lawyer. Find more of her work on her blog: Enjoy her writings because they surely depict her way down to the person she is today.

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