soldiers goodbyeBen and Heather, they sure have moved around. But always, always do they reconnect.

Heather and Ben. Ben and Heather. The real story, the one I’ve been skirting the edges

of, is that Ben and Heather are the sort of soul-mates who go on to the next life

together. They are born, live and die, are reborn, and die again, and still they hold

hands. They are connected in ways that Ben did not realize this go around, what with all

the other women in his life. But that said, it will be pure in the next life. In the next one,

they will stay together and not ping pong back and forth through each other’s lives. It’s

love. The thing making a mockery of most all of us. Ben and Heather have the sort of

true eternal love that we all strive for. What, if I’m honest, I still haven’t found. But with a

touch of luck, Ben and Heather, Heather and Ben, well, they will keep pulsing back and

forth and end together.  Love.



“Love” is an excerpt of Murray Dunlap’s novel-in-stories Bastard Blue.

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