218,632 words in the English language
35,000 words known to the average person
860.3 million words said in one lifetime
Over 200 different ways to say “I love you”
So many words but I still can’t find how to tell you “you mean the world to me”
I still can’t locate the one word that will show you how much I care
So many words but not one of them is the right word
So many words but I can’t say any one of them
When I stand close I want to say so many things
But the only thing that comes out is “Hi…”





Chianne is a lonely young woman who has always loved writing. She struggles with dyslexia but doesn’t let it stop her. Chianne is bullied at school and has a hard time making friends, so she finds peace in writing. Writing is one place she feels she can be herself and let out all her emotions.

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