This video deals with the issue of young women basing their self-worth on whether or not guys find them attractive. One of the many points that Hank Green from the vlogbrothers makes is that attraction is not objective, and he then goes on to list different characteristics that are deemed attractive by various cultures and time periods. Since these qualities are then subjective and “apparently based on complete randomness, it’s kinda a super terrible thing to base your self-worth on. And this is regardless of your gender, by the way.”

You go, Hank Green!

Here are some more quotable gems from this segment:

Hank quoting a post he saw on Tumblr: “How do boys look so hot, and they never have to wear makeup?”

“Boys without makeup don’t look better than girls without makeup — but, in our culture, they do.”

“…we’re pretty adamant about the fact that women’s value is based — not entirely… but significantly — on their beauty; and a lot of their purpose is to be attractive to men, which is messed up!”

Makeup and fashion are great ways to express yourself, “but there is so much more to you than that.”

“You do not exist to please someone else, you exist for your own sake.”

There were so many more quotes I wanted to put, but then I would’ve basically typed out the whole segment. So, go watch the video in its entirety, and share with us your comments and some of your favorite quotes below. Did you agree with what you said? Did you disagree with some things? Let us know.

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