1. How many billionaires?


If you want to be a billionaire, Stanford might be the place for you to start. Thirty living billionaires and seventeen currents astronauts went to Stanford.


 2. Gold medal, here I come

This is an interview with two Olympic divers, Kassidy Krug and Kristian Ipsen, who were both training at Stanford at the time.

Do you watch the Olympics every year? Well, at least one Stanford student has won a medal in the Olympics every year since 1908.


3. More bikes than people?

bicycle-407215_640Try and think of a way to ride more than one bike at once. Hard, right? Well, at Stanford, there are more bikes registered on campus than students. I wonder how all those bikes are ridden.


4. Kissed under the full moon


There are stories of the full moon making people act weird, and I guess that’s true at Stanford. On the first full moon of the Autumn Quarter, all of the freshmen get a surprise. The seniors give the new freshmen a kiss between midnight and one. This is a huge celebration with a lot of kissing and partying!

5. Free college tuition. As if!



Nowadays, there are not a whole bunch of things you can get at a store for free. Until the year 1930, all Stanford tuition was free! Now their tuition is around 50,000 dollars a year. I wish it could be free again!

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