Sometimes shopping and sleepovers can get a bit boring. This article is for those of you who’d like to spice it up a bit! Here are some other ways you can hang out with your friends.

Go to a park

It may sound old-fashioned, but go outside! Pack a sandwich, snacks, and a camera and go for a walk. Who knows, you may even get a new profile picture out of it.

Go swimming

If it’s not too cold, go to a pool or a beach or somebody’s house for the sole purpose of dipping your toes.

Go to a nice restaurant

Definitely a treat as money doesn’t grow on trees, but spoil yourself every now and then by dining out nice and dressing fancy. You’ll be doing it a lot more as you grow up, so having a head start is always fun.

Go to a theme park

Save up and splurge on a roller coaster or two! Go to whatever your local theme park is for a day. Depending on where you live, that may be Disneyland, Luna Park, or even Sea World.

Go on a road trip

It doesn’t have to be a long distance. Just grab a couple of friends, pick some bookstores or coffee shops around town, and visit all of them in one day. Explore your hometown! You can travel too, though. If you’re comfortable sleeping in the car, these trips can be extremely cheap and a lot of fun.

Watch TV

If there’s a series you both like, pick a date a week to catch up on it together!

Go camping

Escape for a while. If you pick the right company, camping will be stress-free and a lot of memories just waiting to happen.

Have a board game/videogame day

Smash each other in every competition you can think of, from Scrabble to Mario Kart!

Have a spa day

No need for an actual spa to make this work, although it just makes it more fun if you have one! Grab some nail polish, face masks, etc., and have a refreshing day with your friends.

Go window shopping

Sometimes shopping with the knowledge of not buying makes the experience more fun and stress-free. Do it before a birthday so you have a wish list if you want!

Take a class together

From sport to hobbies, I’m sure there is something at low cost you and your pal(s) can do together.

Stay home

There’s nothing wrong with having a movie marathon from the beginning to the end of the day. PJs and snacks will be your only company other than the friend of your choice.

Just be together

Sometimes you are both tired but also want each other’s company. So be there, but don’t feel pressured to make conversation. Bring a book or homework or even just your phone, and occupy yourself while still hanging out with each other because, let’s face it, sometimes we all need a break.


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